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Michael Nazarian, MEM

Professional Engineer​ and Sustainability Consultant


  • MS - Eastern Michigan University in Engineering Management (MEM)

  • BS - The University of Michigan in Energy and Sustainable Systems

  • Certificate - University of Michigan in  Geographic Information System (GIS)

Additional Creditentials

  • Author of A Beginners Guide to Greening Your Life

  • Co-Host of Realistic Sustainability


  • Municipal - Master Plan - Sustainability Lead

  • Municipal - Planning Commission - Sustainability Advisor

  • Municipal - Non-Motorized Transportation Plan - Committee Member

  • Business Management - Cost Savings - Sustainability Consultant

  • Business Management - Efficiency Analysis - Sustainability Consultant

  • Municipal - Edible Landscaping - Project leader

  • Business Management - Google Suite Training - Project Trainer

  • Organizational - STEM Education - Project Manager

  • Organizational - Environmental Platform Review - Sustainability Consultant

Kindness Projects

In a world filled with division, we have found that the best way to impact and unify people is to help others. Kindness projects can change the community or organization's dynamics.  Thus far we have organized edible landscape projects, back-to-school, STEM family learning, Free mom 2 mom, and free holiday dinners.  We can assess your city or organization to find the right kindness project within your budget or help structure and develop a project of your choice. Either way, kindness projects are the most powerful way to connect with those around you and build a positive culture. 

Urban Planning

More and more cities are looking to become more sustainable even if they are not necessarily sure what that means. Most governmental agencies are learning that sustainability actions in their organization or community tend to be cheaper and more effective than the old engrained methods that have been used for years. Concepts like Complete streets or Citizen-Centric Design can be challenging but yields strong results when implemented. When looking at city design, we take a square foot by square foot approach to ensure that the funding allocated reaps results and benefits the citizens for the years to come. If the focus is on the residents, the businesses will follow. 

We can offer leadership advice for Complete streets and city planning, energy cost reductions, citizen-centric design, edible landscaping, community gardens, non-motorized transit plans, downtown business revitalization plans, organizational efficiencies, technology training, and overall sustainability actions that help your city stand out and increase the standard of living for the residents. Retainerships are available. 

See the progress of our Durand Michigan edible landscaping project: Here

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Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) are key to learning to learn at the early stages of student development. It is this methodology (the scientific method) and problem-solving skills that help students make better decisions both while in their learning environment and once becoming adults. Teaching basic sustainability terms, processes, and methodology within these classes solidifies the learning and takes it to the next level embedding environmental respect while sharpening real-life problem-solving skills. 


We can offer targeted training in: Project design training, learning objectives training, organizational structure advisement, training the trainer, and how to teach STEAM. 


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The Durand Edible Landscape Project - Courtesy of Channel 12 News in Flint MI. 


Separated bike lanes on Guadalupe Street in Austin, TX. Photo courtesy of the Plantizen, City of Austin.


Photo Curtesy of STEMNETICS

Sustainability is not simply an environmental field but a long-term success field. Sustainability takes forever and that is the point. Continued improvement in your organizational actions over long periods of time will strengthen your organization and create additional benefits for all involved. It doesn't matter if you are a church, local group, or an educational organization, structuring the processes and creating a learning atmosphere is key to success. 


We can offer targeted training in: Staff efficiency, sustainability public relations, integration of environmental education in the current curriculum,  material/supply reductions, and Technology training.

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Ball Horticulture - Lunch and Learns

The Edible Landscape Project


Building Communities
Through Kindness


Hiring a sustainability consultant is a great way to get an outside perspective on any organization or business. With more and more companies looking for more long-term solutions like the triple bottom line model, sustainability experts are becoming more valuable. It does not matter if you run a small business, church, school, or any other organization, becoming more sustainable offers your employees, customers, or members long-term benefits. Contact us to see how we can contribute to your team: Here

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